Can we host the Citect Control Client/ View-Only client licenses on the Citect Anywhere Server


24 December 2021



Normally it is required to host the V/O and Control client licenses needed for Citect Anywhere sessions on the Citect Scada (IO) server.

What if we want these Control client or View-only client licenses to be held by the Citect Anywhere Server machine as these licenses will only be used by the Citect Anywhere clients and IOServers are on separate machines.

How to enforce Citect Anywhere clients to use the licenses hosted in the Anywhere server?





Vijeo Citect / CitectSCADA v7.20 (SP5) and above, Citect Anywhere all versions





To enforce Citect Anywhere clients to use the licenses hosted on the Anywhere server, you will have to set [Client] UseLocalLicenses = 1 ini parameter in the Citect Anywhere server ini file.
