How does Citect Anywhere accommodate multi-monitor setup on Citect Scada project


24 December 2021


If a Citect Scada project has multi-monitor setup configured, how will it be accommodated in Citect Anywhere sessions? Can we control which screen should be displayed on Citect Anywhere clients?


Vijeo Citect / CitectSCADA v7.20 (SP5) and above, Citect Anywhere all versions


It is not possible to setup multiple screens for a Citect Anywhere clients as RDP cannot be aware of multiple screens.

So if a Citect Scada project has multi-monitors setup configured and a Citect Anywhere client connects to it, it will only see Screen1 as per Multi-monitor ini setting.

After deciding which screen to be displayed on Citect Anywhere clients, it can be configured as 'Screen1' on Citect Scada project.
