Iconic Grid Wiser Connected Double Socket Smart 10A Zigbee Default 240V

Home ProductsSwitches and SocketsPDL IconicGrid Wiser Connected Double Socket

Iconic Grid Wiser Connected Double Socket Smart 10A Zigbee Default 240V

Item Number: PDL395CSGZ

The PDL Iconic Connected Socket is ideal for switching appliances. It works with Wiser and can be connected to the Wiser Hub via Zigbee, enabling the full range of Wiser benefits including Voice control, Remote Access as well as Moments and scheduling features. Both the left and the right socket can be individually controlled. The socket comes as a grid without the PDL Iconic Skin. Note - This product must be installed by an appropriate licenced electrician.



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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Standby Power of my Wiser devices?

Wiser Micro Module Switch - CLP5011WSZ/PDL5011WSZ - 0.4 W
Wiser Micro Module Dimmer - CLP5010WDZ/PDL5010WDZ - 0.4 W
Wiser Micro Module Blind - CLP5015WBZ/PDL5015WBZ - 0.4 W
Wiser Hub - CLP501902/PDL501902 - 0.2 W 
Bluetooth 2AX - 41E2PBSWM-VW/PDL356PB2MBTW-VW - 0.25 W
Bluetooth 10AX - 41E10PBSWM-VW/PDL356PB10MBTW-VW - 0.20 W
Bluetooth Dimmer - 41EPBDWCLM-VW/PDL354PBDMBTW-VW - 0.50 W
Bluetooth Socket - 3025CSG/PDL395CSG - 0.30 W
ZigBee 2AX - 41E2PBSWMZ-VW/PDL356PB2MBTZ-VW - 0.25 W
ZigBee 10AX - 41E10PBSWMZ-VW/PDL356PB10MBTZ-VW - 0.20 W
ZigBee Dimmer - 41EPBDWCLMZ-VW/PDL354PBDMBTZ-VW - 0.50 W
ZigBee Socket - 3025CSGZ/PDL395CSGZ - 0.30 W